
Taman Pintar in Yogyakarta

Taman Pintar is a vehicle of expression, appreciation, and creation science in a fun atmosphere. With a mission: to cultivate the interest of children and young people to science through imagination, experiments and games in order to develop human resources qualified Indonesia.

The purpose of building a smart garden itself aims to:
     * Provide facilities that support student learning of science education curriculum.
     * Motivating children and young people to love science
     * Assist teachers in developing teaching in science
     * Provide alternative science travel

Taman Pintar is built in the center of Yogyakarta city near the Vredeburg Fort, Cultural Park, National Palace, Malioboro and Kraton Yogyakarta.
This makes the location of TAMAN PINTAR as a premium area in Yogyakarta City since its presence in the central business and cultural city of Yogyakarta.

Taman Pintar building was built in the former area Shopping Center, with consideration of the persistence of the close connection between the Taman Pintar with the functioning and activities of existing buildings in the vicinity, such as the Cultural Park, Vredeburg, Societiet Military and Gedung Agung.

Relocation of the area began in 2004, followed by phases of development of Phase I is the Playground and the West PAUD and PAUD Building East, which was inaugurated in Soft Opening I dated May 20, 2006 by the minister, Bambang Soedibyo.

Construction of Phase II is the Oval Office floor of Building I and II and first floor box, which was inaugurated in Soft Opening II dated June 9, 2007 by the minister, Bambang Soedibyo and Research and Technology, Kusmayanto Kadiman, and attended by the Governor of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X.
Construction of Phase III is the House floor Box II and III, President and Building Site Memorabilia.
With the completion of stages of development, Taman Pintar Grand Opening was held on December 16, 2008 which was inaugurated by the President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Every Tuesday through Sunday from 09.00 - 16.00 (Monday Close)


     * Props interactive science and technology
     * Exhibition space and audiovisual
     * Food court
     * Mosque
     * Souvenir shop

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