
Mount Semeru

Mount Semeru or Sumeru is the highest volcano in Java, with its peakMahameru, 3676 meters above sea level. The crater at the summit of Mount Semeru known Jonggring Saloko.
Semeru has Hill dipterocarp forest, dipterocarp forest Upper Montane Forest,and Forest Ericaceous or mountain forests.


 The mountain is located between the administration Lumajang and Malang Regency, with its geographical position between 8 ° 06 'latitude and 120 ° 55' East Longitude.

In 1913 and 1946 Crater Jonggring Saloka have dome with a height of 3744.8M until the end of November 1973. In the south, the dome is broke edge of thecrater caused lava flow leads to the south side of the covering area and Candipuro Pronojiwo in Lumajang.

It takes about four days to climb the peak of Mount Semeru round trip. To climb the mountain semeru can be reached by the city of Malang or Lumajang. From the terminal Malang we ride public transportation to the village Tumpang.Connected again with a jeep or Vegetables Truck in the back of the terminal market Tumpang.

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