
The Beautiful Marine Park in Manado

Bunaken Marine Park Located in the District of Bunaken about 7 miles from the Port of Manado which can be taken for 35 minutes from downtown by boat. Initially Bunaken is a coral island (atoll). Its area is about 887.5 hectares with slightly wavy morphology conditions. Bunaken National Marine Park is one of the most beautiful in the world.

Most of the beaches areas of mangrove forests and white sand. There are hard and soft coral reefs, steep rock walls, with various shapes and colors of the sea. Among them there are sharks, turtles, Mandarin Fish, sea horses, stingrays, and the famous ancient fish is the Sea King (Coleacant) and many more that make this beautiful marine park. The beauty of marine parks can be seen in locations called Lekuan 1, 2, and 3, Fukui, Mandolin, Cape Chapter Bandung, Ron's Point, Sachiko Point, Pangalisang, Home Village, and East Bunaken.

This National Park is a tourist spot Sea and nautical tourism with a beautiful object excursions. Its form of tourism activities to enjoy the park by way sigtseeing (around) a boat filled (catamaran), snorkeling (swim wear a respirator), diving, and underwater photographs, and also the beach sunbathing and sightseeing body. The facilities provided in the Bunaken marine park, which filled the boat, diving center, cottages (inn) restaurant, hall, and souvenir shops. Tourism Indonesia Heaven on Earth.

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