
Putung Attractions in Karangasem

Putung Attractions located in the Eastern Duda Village, Selat District, Karangasem regency. Putung attractions had a range of about 64 km from Denpasar, ± 19 km from Amlapura City - the capital of the district - and easily reached by public transport, as well as private vehicles. Developed as a tourist attraction because of its nature in the mountains surrounded by snake fruit plantation.

The main tourist attraction is the beauty of nature Putung which is a blend of panoramic hills, valleys, seas, forests, and plantations snake fruit with refreshing cool air. From the height, we can see rice plots owned by residents of Adat Buitan Village, District Manggis and Labuhan Amuk with the vast stretches of blue sea with jukung (boats) of fishermen which was sailing, cruise ship (cruise) who happened to come rests, and distant Nusa Penida island, Klungkung regency seems obvious. Putung tourist attraction locatied nearby  Agrotourism Sibetan snake fruit objects in District Bebandem.
Putung became famous for its panoramic beauty of nature because the painting Mr. Christiano, an Italian painter who lived some time in Putung and marry a woman from the village of Manggis Karangasem.

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