
Maninjau Lake

Maninjau Lake is a lake in the district of Tanjung Raya, Agam regency, West Sumatra province, Indonesia. The lake is located about 140 kilometers north of Padang, West Sumatra's capital, 36 kilometers from Bukittinggi, 27 kilometers from Lubuk Basung, Agam regency capital. Maninjau which is a volcanic lake is situated at an altitude of 461.50 meters above sea level. Broad Maninjau about 99.5 km ² and has a maximum depth of 495 meters. Cekungannya formed by the eruption of Mount named Sitinjau (according to local legend), this can be seen from the shape that resembles a hill around the lake like a wall. According to legend the Minang Ranah, the existence of Lake Maninjau closely related to the story of Bujang Nine. Lake Maninjau is a source of water for the river named Batang Antokan. In one part of the lake which is the headwaters of Batang Hydroelectric Maninjau Antokan there. The highest peak around Lake Maninjau diperbukitan known as Puncak Lawang. To reach Lake Maninjau if from the Bukittinggi it will pass through the winding road known as the Curved 44 along about 10 KM from Ambun Morning to Maninjau.

The lake is listed as the eleventh largest lake in Indonesia. While in West Sumatra, Maninjau is the second largest lake after Lake Singkarak which has an area of ​​129.69 km ² are located in two districts of Tanah Datar and Solok regency. Around Lake Maninjau there are tourist facilities, like hotels (Maninjau Indah Hotel, Pasir Panjang Permai) as well as lodging and restaurants.

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